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Pigdump Archives

2009 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2008 -
Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2007 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2006 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2005 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2004 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2003 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4

June 2003
June 27: Sandal season at last. Big whoop.
June 19: Set-upon by big shot New York Attorneys - pt. 2
June 18: Set-upon by big shot New York Attorneys - pt. 1
June 16: Pigdump's Turtle Diary
June 10: Bears, hawks and Scottish writers.
June 9: Gettin' Jiggy with Mickey.
June 5: Mother's Day and Father's Day gifts.
June 3: Oh those Hab-strings!

May 2003
May 28: SARS hits Pigdump...ish.
May 27: Stop yer whinin'!
May 23: Down and out in Hogtown (again).
May 15: Any Apple update? Hmm?
May 7: Get Pigdump an iPod!
May 2: National Tuba Players Appreciation Day
May 1: It's that time again...

April 2003
April 28: Drill ye Terriers drill!
April 24: Some kitty levity (in these trying times.)
April 22: Dubya's not playing with a full deck of cards.
April 18: Pigdump's embedded reporter.
April 16: Spring's frosty backside.
April 9: Not so smart, not so simple solutions.
April 7: Agnes Gooch's media watch

Even older dumps.