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Pigdump Archives

2009 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2008 -
Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2007 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2006 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2005 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2004 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4
2003 - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4

December 2004
December 12: The stockings were hung...
December 6: Brrrrr!

November 2004
November 20: What's it all about?
November 9: And so it snowed
November 7: Sign of things to come...

October 2004
October 24: Cat scratch fever
October 11: Ding! Fries are done. Ding! Fries are done.
October 9: Kiss me quick cuz it's my birthday
October 8: An empty bench in Soho Square
October 5: A pilgrimage of another colour


Even older dumps.