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Pigdump, the musical

"First Clown: Vince McMahon
Second Clown: Jeff Probst
Third Clown: Wynona Ryder"

May 23, 2003

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Filling up space
bye bye frank

Nothing to report on the Apple front yet, and let's face it, time is running out. For them. And me. And soon I will stop giving them any sort of publicity whatsoever. I mean, couldn't they just send an e-mail that says "Thanks but no thanks"? You would think. But apparently they just ignore their fanatic customers who pay more than they need to for the privilege of owning an Apple. (Man are we nuts or what?)

So I've been filling space elsewhere, experimenting in other sandboxes in the ether (and you know how that can hurt!) For instance, I recently published a rant on xTreme Trish, and I've made a few changes to xTreme Pigdump as well. One will make your eyes spin and the other, well, it's a work in progress. Umm, they both are. And no that doesn't mean I've stopped thinking about Pigdump, no sir! It's just that, well, it's been a tough year, a gross time lately, everyone hates Toronto and Canada and my cat died and SARS and Mad Cow and all that stuff...

But I digress.

Thanks and good luck.

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