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May 1, 2001
Member enhancement.
Who's in charge of gas, taxes and stuff?

I heard a couple of disturbing things this morning on that old fashioned broadcast medium we call radio. First, gas prices are going to go higher and higher with no end in sight. Second, U.S. Vice President Dick (yes, you can call him Dick) Cheney says it's just fine to go up to the Arctic and start drilling for oil like there's no tomorrow.


SUVs are the Devil's delivery trucks. Demand for gas has sky rocketed since these penis-enlargement vehicles have taken over the gasping landscape. Supply is becoming an issue so the gas pumps will likely hit $1.00 a litre this summer. And goodness but we must keep these boys running, so let's just drill drill drill and trash the environment so we can smog up what's left of the environment thus proving that we are the biggest, best and most affluent and successful monkeys that ever inhabited the planet...

So I'm on about that again, eh? The Sports Fertility Vehicle. I've been reprimanded once before for my thoughts (really!) So seem to be paying the price all around even though I have a little tiny energy efficient Toyota and a bright orange commuter bike. But as long as Dick is happy and the other dicks on 4 off road (as if!) tires are happy, I should just shut up about it. Umm, I don't think so.
A year ago on Pigdump:
We're not like those public tv stations that interrupt your favourite Kate Hepburn movie to ask for your hard earned dollars. More.

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From April 30, 2001:
I woke up this morning and heard some atrocious news: Tito is in space! More.

From April 26, 2001:
Man does this cat ever enjoy the margarine. More.

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