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Tater Tots!

"Why spend prime Top Quality
real estate on the potato? Well, like I said,

February 20, 2003

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It's winter. It's Canada. Deal with it!
woa, that's a lot of snow!
You know, it's not so much the minus 30 weather with wind chill. It's not the layer after layer of snow that has to be shoveled off roofs, driveways and front porches. The things that suck about this weather are threefold:
  1. People complaining endlessly about how bad winter is. Suck it up! It's February and it's Canada!
  2. People who shovel their snow off the sidewalk onto the road; the ones who bury my car in snow so I have to shovel double the snow for twice as long.
  3. Groups of people that don't get out of the way when you're walking on a sidewalk that is already made thinner because of the amount of snow people have pushed onto the road that then gets plowed back up onto the sidewalk. Move aside, dinks, or I'll knock your asses into the snow bank!
So the moral of the story is: snow and cold aren't bad, people are bad.

Thanks and good luck.

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