Welcome to Pigdump!
Monday September 25, 2000
Do not adjust your monitor!

You knew it was coming, and just a month past the projected deadline (which is pretty damn straight in the dubya dubya dubya world.) Pigdump is reborn!

After months of blue skies, creative retreats, consultations with crack Solutions Strategists (and you know how that can hurt) we have designed a cleaner, fresher look that puts the emphasis on content. And that's better for you! Around here, we ALWAYS knew Content was King - long before all them mega media mergers were filling the headlines with noise about being THE Uber Canadian Content machine. That's just repurposed shovelwareTM that the Conrads, Teds and Izzys want to try to cash in on - as if people won't notice it's the same old thing everywhere they look... puleeeze! Not at Pigdump, no sir! Nothing but the finest stand-alone independent original stuff, no expiration date here, eh?

The Pigdump position has always been and always will be Top Quality ContentTM day in day out. We voted down the e-business monkeys. We vetoed the Web Clowns. We poo-pooed the MBA economists. The lot of them would have had us joining some damn affiliation programme so that we'd be re-selling everything from Phat Urban faux-Tommy Gear, to Starving Artists' rejected velvet paintings. And they thought we should jazz the site up, add a FlashTM element, or at least some funky javascript rollovers "to make the consumer's visit more exciting, thus enticing them to buy more." Hmmm, like boo.com, eh guys? 'nuff said.

So welcome to the new Pigdump where you can still find all the great features like Everything I Know and the Weekend Funnies. And if you're feeling a little nostalgic, all the old Pigdump pages exist in their original format (you think we were going to change 200-plus pages? As frickin' if!)

Thanks and good luck!
From August 26, 1999:
The very first Pigdump ever. Really! See how it began. See how far we've come. Enjoy the Super poll 5000 and Michael Stipe's hair. Really! More.
From September 8, 1999:
Let's face it, our music heroes ain't the most gifted wordsmiths. They'll split an infinitive or dangle a participle on a dime if it makes the song rhyme. More.

Sept 00

Old Pigdump Archives
Aug 99 - Sept 99 - Oct 99
Nov 99 - Dec 99 - Jan 00
Feb 00 - Mar 00 - April 00
May 00 - June 00 - July 00
Aug 00 - Sept 00

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