yes, it says
4...3...2... Tuesday May 16, 2000

Feeling gravity's pull
part 2

And then there's all the sagging, and pretty darn quickly you learn more than you ever wanted to know about "control top panties." Yes, I CAN believe it's a girdle, damn you!

In these early days of my gravity years, I find I'm wearing sport bras all the time, not just on the squash courts... who am I kidding? I wouldn't DARE go onto the squash courts anymore! Don't want to have to explain the bruised chin anymore.

Breastplates anyone? UGH!

Gravity: Pt. 1 | Pt.2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4

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everything I know ...continued 141. Primeau, Conacher and "Busher" Jackson made up the Kid line.

142. Milt Schmidt, Woody Dumart and Bobby Bauer made up the Kraut line.
to be continued...

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