yes, it says Pigdump
E-moo. E-moo. Thursday August 10, 2000

Once upon a time there were some more clowns. One day they thought they would make their mark on the world by getting their MBAs. "Hyuck hyuck hyuck... that was easy! Hyuck hyuck! Let's make us some big ass cash now!"

So they started a consulting firm called 'Web Wranglers.' "Hyuck hyuck hyuck... it's like a metaphor, see? You bring us your cows, and before you know it, you'll be raising e-cattle hyuck hyuck hyuck!"

"That's right, from incubation to inoculation, your BRAND -- hyuck hyuck get it? BRANDIING? Cows? Hyuck hyuck hyuck -- will not be fenced in by brick and mortar constraints."

One day when the MBA clowns were leaving the ranch "Hyuck hyuck hyuck... this is so working for me. Lovin' it hyuck hyuck," the president of a failed start-up jumped out from behind the shed armed with an old fashioned Tommy-gun. "Eat hot lead, you despicable Web Clowns!" Rat-a-tat-tat-tat!!! And in an instant, they were all dead.

The end.

Tomorrow: Midgets with gin.

© This is a real website.
everything I know ...continued 165. FLUTD stands for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.

166. Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka.
to be continued...

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