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"If any candidate wants to tap
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October 1, 2008

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Decisions derisions!

What's a pundit to do?

derisions derisions

As a Top Quality Content™ provider since Jean Chrétien was giving away golf balls, you'd think I would be getting political with y'all day in day out. You'd think.

But how can I pontificate if I don't have a decision? How can I lead loyal readers down the path that is best for our country if I don't know myself? Oh sure, PMS (Prime Minister Steve) is DEFINITELY a no-go. Really. Please oh please! But then what? Poor Celine? I'm sorry to be obvious, but I didn't understand a word he said on Cross Country Checkup or This Hour Has 22 Minutes. I tried, lordy, I tried.

And Smilin' Jack? Oh man, 15 years ago, fer sure! Now? That mustache tells you everything about what era this guy's coming from with his politics. Green? Well, at least Ellie May has brought some new life to the camping campaign trail. But do you vote Green, just because at least you understand their ONE issue?

Decisions decisions. Sigh.

Well, at least I've nailed the second biggest decision in this camping campaign, and that is, debate night. When push comes to shove, I gotta go with Biden vs Palin on the US networks, because Pigdump would rather be entertained by the boob tube than watch hours of a schoolyard bully pulling wings off butterflies and torturing pussy cats.

Thanks and good luck.

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