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"When Christmas Presents
Go Bad. This is the story..."

April 30, 2007

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The "re-imagined" Globe sucks!

Globe and Mail presented its new online and offline redesign last week. Pigdump's media-watcher, Agnes Gooch, evaluates the re-imagined newspaper:

Newspaper and media hound that I am, I had to buy the first "re-imagined" Globe on the first day. It was okay. Easier to read on the subway (if I were one who wanted to read the Globe on the subway, it is slimmer, almost tabloid-like in width), but not so easy to read generally. A few type issues, as the top of the page promo text is in bold colour in one font, followed by the Globe's traditional masthead, followed again by the main headline of the front page in another font...well, to my trained eye, it just looked messy. Like someone realized for the first time you could change fonts styles and colours all in one text page (remember when colour printers were new and exciting?)

Anyway, I waited until Saturday, when I get my paper delivered, to make my final assessment. And boy oh boy does the Globe fail with flying colours! Oh sure, the Sudoku is finally big enough to actually complete the puzzle, but the cryptic crossord...the thing I get the Saturday globe for...?? It's already hard enough to understand the clues, but now that the font is so small that you can't even READ the clues...well hell's bells! Does the Globe re-imagine its readers to have Superman-like vision? Don't they know must of us crossword fanatics use reading glasses? The font size of the clues is so small, I had to use the bottom of my whisky tumbler as a magnifying glass to read them! I'm not kidding! here's the Saturday puzzle to scale:

cryptic crossword

See what I mean? You probably can't. (But if you can and you know the answers to any of the outstanding clues, please forward them to me through this website.)

The re-imagined Globe sucks ass! That's all I'm gonna say!

Agnes Gooch"


Please don't sue us.

Thanks and good luck.

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