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"Can you imagine if like a new
Backstreet Boys CD came out and
like you just didn't buy it?"

April 12, 2006

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You know what?

what's happening

Last summer, I realized I had developed a very bad verbal habit (and you know how that can hurt.) I found myself starting most sentences with: "You know what?" It became really annoying. I don't know where I picked it up, especially since I was a hermit living in the boonies at the time. (No, I haven't moved, I'm still a hermit in the boonies. But I do have indoor plumbing!)

Anyway, I started paying attention and consciously stopped myself from this annoying habit. I'm hapy to tell you I've had about a 98% success rate. Wuhoo! But the exercise has made me keenly aware of the phrase. And you know what?...everyone uses it. All the time. My friends. My family. Every announcer on radio and TV. It's become the new "You know?", or "Like"...really it has. Just listen. To yourself. To others. I bet you can't count how many times you use it or hear it in a day. You'll probably stop counting after 20.

Why is it that we can't trust what we say? Why can't we just state an idea or fact or tell a story by just telling the story? We throw things like "You know...I mean...you know what...the thing is..." Is it a Canadian habit, that inferiority complex? It's the same thing with up-talk...you know what I mean. Are we so insecure, have we no confidence in what we say? It's a weird habit and it's time to rid ourselves of it. So that's your task for the day. Or week. Or life. Just frickin' say what you want to say. And you know what?...the world will be a better place.

Thanks and good luck.

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