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"Gettin' political with
the Web Clowns."

August 23, 2005

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Catching up
GW Chimp

Things sure have been nutty these days. And oh how I've wanted to report on it all. But alas, I was caught in a Catch-22, a Murphy's Law, a planet moving backward through my sign...or something.

You see, one of the nutty things that happened was that I upgraded my computer's operating system. And then I just about lost everything on my computer! True, I use a fashionable and friendly Apple laptop and things like this are only supposed to happen to those damn PCs with Microsoft stuff in the background. Sigh. Anyway, I'm back up, and I can kinda blame Microsoft...I also upgraded my Office software to stay with it, to be current, to be ahead of the curve...damn it all! The last version worked fine, why do always have to upgrade?

Anyway, here are some things that would have been Top Quality on Pigdump had I been able to use my computer:

  • That crazy tennis player Raphael Nadal - before every shot he has to pick the back of his shorts out of his bum crack...every shot!

  • CBC lock-out means Corrie Corrie Corrie all the time! Wuhoo!

  • What the hell is Intelligent Design and what does it have to do with creationism?

  • More Thortons than you can bloody well shake a blinkin' stick at! Grrr!

  • CBC lock-out means no pompous Hogtown morning radio show host and his wimpy annoying little sports buddy! Wuhoo!

  • Pot holes, always a burning issue.

  • Using live frogs as bait. For catch and release. You should be strung up by your...your.. gills!

  • CBC lock-out means no annoying Promo Girl! Wuhoo!

  • Brat Camp. Nanny 911. Big Brother. Sigh.

  • What's the best wasp trap?

  • CBC lock-out means no sports commentator will say "Joe Thorton." Wuhoo!

  • Upgrade your computer to HELL!

Okay, so you didn't really miss much did you.

Thanks and good luck.

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