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her dream in Orillia, Ontario."

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Agnes Gooch on Spam

the penis patch

Every so often, Pigdump invites the incomparable web crone, Agnes Gooch, to tell us what's on her mind. And boy, you've picked a good day to visit because the old gal has a bee in her bonnet this time!


I know, it's been said before. Spam is killing the yucks of having the email. It's been said so much it's almost become what it is. If you know what I mean. Even the kids here at Pigdump have wasted your broadband by going on and on about it. And I'm an old broad so I should know! (Heh heh. I love getting all bling-bling with the kids!)

But I guess I've seen it all now. Oh sure, I could have bigger boobs - but they'd still park themselves around my waist. I could take a little blue pill and lose weight while I sleep (well honey, by the time I've removed my girdle, taken off the orthopedic shoes, dismantled the iron bun on my head, I'm 20 pounds lighter when I go to bed already!)

But why, for goodness sake, would a man want a penis patch? Bad enough having hair extensions and lifts in the old wingtips. But a patch? Down there? Is it supposed to show bulge in the pants? Doesn't it chafe? Apparently it pleases the ladies and lets you last longer. But for the sake of Pete, doesn't it hurt when you rip it off? Removing a bandage from your knee smarts enough, but pulling the patch off your privates, well what are they thinking?


Once again, the views of Agnes Gooch are not necessarily shared by Pigdump. Though in this case, you gotta back her up, eh?

Thanks and good luck.

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