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Oh the humanity!

"Then when you're just feeling
good about yourself, it's over to the
television for hours and hours of
episodes of The Facts of Life."

August 12, 2003

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Spam, Klik, whatever you wanna call it, I got tons of it!

When Pigdump's senior editor got back from a restful 10-day retreat up in Muskoka Station, this was waiting for her in her electronic mailbox:

tons o mail

Ugh! And that's just the junk mail! I know we're popular from MacTier to Madison Ave., but come on! Who can I sue?

Anyway, the thing is, some of your real mail may have been filtered into this cesspool of junk, spam, klik...so I apologize if I lose a missive or two and don't get back to you. Sigh.

Thanks and good luck.

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