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July 9, 2003

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What have the Web Clowns been up to?
nutty web clowns
Once upon a time there were some clowns (kinda like these clowns or these other clowns, and even these clowns). Everyone thought that they had disappeared forever, what with the boom and bust and all. Oh yes, after they all got their shiny new MBAs in their hot little hands, their world kinda exploded.

And everyone who mattered cheered.


As we said, once upon a time there were some clowns. Turns out they had enrolled into some executive management rehab course for a couple of years so they could survive in the leaner, meaner economic climate.

"Let's do some team building exercises with the little workers! Hyuck hyuck hyuck!"

"What a great idea! They won't realize that we're about to lay a few of them off and cut the pay of the ones that remain! Hyuck hyuck hyuck!"

"Brilliant! They'll be having so much fun on their picnic and visit to the zoo, that they will think we are the best bosses in the world! Hyuck hyuck hyuck!"

The clowns rallied the little workers and led them through the cages of monkeys, elephants and tigers. All of a sudden, the tiger cage sprang open and the web clowns were mauled, shredded and eaten by the angry beasts. The little workers cheered. The team building exercise was a great success.

The end.

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