yes, it says
This is true. Friday, September 10 1999
Mechanism of the Photic Sneeze

The mechanism of the bright light sneeze reflex seems to be an association of optic nerve fibers and trigeminal nerve nucleus in the mid-brain. The trigeminal nerve's second division supplies sensory fibers to the nasal mucosa. It is postulated that nerve impulses travelling up the optic nerve will cause a sympathetic discharge down the trigeminal nerve fibers. Another mechanism postulates that partial squinting of the eyes resulting from the bright light causes squeezing of the lacrimal sac which results in tears running down the nasolacrimal duct into the nasal cavity, causing stimulation of the nasal cavity and a sneeze.

About 20% of people sneeze because of a reflex action when exposed to sudden, bright light. If this happens at a critical phase of flying a rotary or fixed wing aircraft, it could result in loss of control of the aircraft and a serious accident. It is also possible that this could be the cause of automobile accidents. During a sneeze, there is an involuntary closing of the eyes momentarily.

The typical sneezing response occurs when the subject comes out of a dark surrounding into sudden bright light such as when leaving a movie theatre. Within a period of two to fifteen seconds, the subject may sneeze one or more times.

It's all kinda weird. But I enjoy a good sneeze. Go into the light! But stay outta the cockpit.

Tomorrow: Living in a material world.

everything I know ... continued 10. The hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle of a triangle.

11. Tony Curtis's real name is Bernie Schwartz.

12. Oprah spelled backwards is Harpo.

13. The lemmings were pushed.
to be continued...

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