yes, it says
Hogmania. Wed. March 29, 2000

Now let me get this straight: Hogtown is planning a remake to give the city a new look and feel. The uptown downtown is getting digi-with-it. bad boy tinkyAccording to a report in the daily Grope and Flail a new waterfront park area is being designed where city planners will "create a so-called convergence centre for new media and technology business and residential housing, tapping into new-economy opportunities for the city."

I always thought that parkland was supposed to get people away from the fast and furious world... parks are for picnics, not pixels. Sadly, like most of Hogtown's plans, we're about 2-3 years behind the trend. Xerox Park and Silicon Valley (or Silicon Alley for that matter) are SO last century. And when people start fleeing from technology to real downright earthy excitement, Toronto will be putting the finishing touches on Convergence World. WHATEVER!

Remember when the Skydome was the Big Thing? Let's see, the Jays don't sell out, the Raptors play at the ACC, when Tina Turner or the Backstreet Boys come to town they also play in the ACC. And our World ClassTM Stadium sits like an ugly pimple at the foot of Wayne Gretzky drive. Welcome to the 90's Mr. Lastman.

Tomorrow: Not quite so bitter.

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everything I know ...continued 118. The 5 senses are: see hear smell touch taste. We don't know what the 6th sense is.

119. Dope is for dopes.
to be continued...

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