yes, it says
Oh! Oh! Mr. Kotter! Thursday March 2, 2000

Many years ago, this Pigdump contributor took a summer-long French Immersion course in a little town in La Belle Province. 3 weeks into the course, I started dreaming in French. My professeur told me that was the key... that was the very moment I became bilingual.

So years later, last night as a matter of fact, this Pigdump contributor started dreaming in Pigdump. What the heck does THAT mean? I had this vision of a fabulous page of Top Quality ContentTM that went something like this:

"Okay, I''l make a chart... it's been so long since we've had a chart. And it will be something like this... on one side it will have what I wish for, then right next to it will be a graphic of what the reality is. Like... I wish I had a Jaguar, but in reality, it'll be a rusty bike! Man that'll be wait, what if it was all done with Rorschach inskspots! Man oh man, I just keep having the best ideas!"

Needless to say, I woke up and ran to my computer... then slowly came to the realization that the idea was totally lame. Make no mistake, darling and devoted readers, dreaming in Pigdump is not nearly as rich and colourful as living the real thing. It might just become the long-awaited Pigdump mission statement: Pigdump - we dream big but our dreams suck ass.

Thanks and good luck.

Tomorrow: Ah yes, tomorrow.

© This is a real website.
everything I know ...continued 108. There are 88 keys on a piano... except those weird pianos where you can move the keyboard back and forth.

109. Hermann Rorschach, the Swiss psychiatrist, was born in 1884 in Zurich.
to be continued...

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