yes, it says
Crispy and Crunchy Monday January 3, 2000

Martha Stewart's Decoration Tips
for the Blair Witch

Excerpt from Chapter 9:
If the Walls Could Speak!

What to do with those unsightly walls in your secret haunted house in the woods? You have many choices: find a stone pattern in your surroundings and with a little paint and a little sponge, marble the interior; then there's the texture choice... get some cheese cloth or some of that left-over plaster of Paris and create a beautiful faux-European style. Then there's the best choice: kidnap some little kids, let them play in the muck and the tar, then let them loose on your troublesome walls. You won't be disappointed with the results!

hand prints on the wall

Sticks -- Stones -- Walls

(With many thanks to the custodian and the bag lady.)

Tomorrow: Is that all there is?

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everything I know ... continued 78. Nevada is the Silver State.

79. I graduated from high school in 1979.
to be continued...

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