yes, it says
Balloon balloon... Wednesday December 22, 1999

A Pigdump Exclusive!
An interview with Charlie Brown's mum

Charles M. Schultz, the creator of Charlie Brown, recently announced that the popular comic strip Peanuts was being put to bed for the last time. With that news, Pigdump's crack team of j-school interns got on the phones to get some reaction. Gary Larson wasn't available for comment. Walt Kelly said "Boston Charlie? Don't know him." And everyone was just too afraid to call Mr. Trudeau. What we did get, though, was a rather intimate chat with the real creator of Charlie Brown, his mum. Here is the transcript from that exclusive interview:

Pigdump: Tell me, Mrs. Brown, how did you hear about the end of Peanuts?

Mrs. B.: Wah wah wah waah.

Pigdump: And what was his mood?

Mrs. B.: Wah wah wah waah. Wah wah wah waah wah.

Pigdump: I can imagine!

Mrs. B.: Wah wah waah?

Pigdump: No, I didn't mean that the...

Mrs. B.: Wah wah wah waah!

Pigdump: Really, that's not what I meant... I... I...

Mrs. B.: Wah WAH waah WAAAH wah waah!

Pigdump: Yes you're right. I know your son is still a little boy and his gravy train has dried up but...

Mrs. B.: Wah! Wah wah waah! WAH wah wah WAH WAH!

Pigdump: Mrs. Brown, please! Bandwidth isn't cheap, you must...

Mrs. B.: Wah wah wah waah! WAH WAH WAAAH!

Pigdump: Fine, I know.

Mrs. B.: Wah wah wah waah!

Pigdump: Okay then.

Mrs. B.: Wah (sniff) wah wah (sniff) waah.

Pigdump: Better?

Mrs. B.: Wah (sniff) wah.

Pigdump: Alright... so Mrs. Brown, was Peppermint Patty a lesbian or what?


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For a written transcript of the rest of the interview, send a SASE to:

J-school Ninny
Box 547
Okefenokee Ontario.

Thanks and good luck.

Tomorrow: Tis the season to be greedy.

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everything I know ... continued 71. Joan of Arc was burned as a witch in 1431.

72. A dram is a small drink of spirit. A grog is a drink of spirit and water.
to be continued...

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