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December 2, 2001
Don't mess with Mister in-between!
2001: a down to earth odyssey
down to earth odyssey

Here's nothing new: 2001 sucked. Big big time. So what is Pigdump going to do about it? Why celebrate of course!

Uh-oh. Have we just offended all the earnest, politically correct people out there? Not if they pay attention.

In 2001, we lost Mr. Dressup, Sam the Record Man, George Harrison, the El Mocambo, perhaps even friends and colleagues in an awful tragedy. This year we all seem to have been touched by a friend or loved one who has been diagnosed with something, or we've lost someone to an illness. In this nose-dive economy we probably know many people who have lost jobs, whose companies went under - heck even I go into work every day thinking it may be my last day.

So here's the thing. Sadness and tragedy are real because the things that make us sad, the things we have lost are so great. And they should be celebrated, not pined away.

You're thinking, yikes! Pigdump's crack editorial team has been reading Tony Robbins or some other self-help guru clown. But you'd be wrong. We at Pigdump are as guilty as anyone for embracing the darkness of 2001. Since we got back from summer retreat on September 11 (yes, that was our first day back at the bunker) we have published a measly 12 content articles! Shame on us! Shame!

So from now to the end of the year, we are going to celebrate 2001 in pictures, in memories and in nonsense. You should all do the same. Listen to your George Harrison music, heck, pull out your old record player and enjoy the vinyl Beatles album you bought at Sam's. Donate even more money to your charities of choice to help your friends and family heal. Visit the CBC museum for a flashback of Casey and Finnegan. Have an out-of-work friend over for dinner once a week. As the great Johnny Mercer said:

You gotta accent-thu-ate the positive,
E-lim-inate the negative,
An' latch on to the affirmative...

So I'm going to go and bake some brownies now so that I can share them with my work mates tomorrow. Nothing better than starting the week with some chocolatey goodness, eh? Peace.
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2 years ago on Pigdump:
My folks are these language-loving, cryptic crossword puzzle types who speak Latin fluently, and they assumed that a challenging word game like PROBE would make a good Christmas gift. More.

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