yes, it says
Chortle. Monday August 14, 2000

oh that nutty chick!

The Weekend Funnies revisited

Way back in October 1999, the crack strategy team came up with a plan to get Pigdump visitors to stick around longer (in the industry, that is known as creating a sticky site... or more recently, a viral site... you know, contagious... gets around, infects the visitor...) With an expensive and useless armload of clip art -- bought for the sole purpose of tax write-off -- the team began to create that fabulous Pigdump feature known as The Weekend Funnies.

This past weekend, the crack team of Pigdump Information Architects presented the crack strategy team with a dilemma: scrolling through the Weekend Funnies was not a good user experience! What Pigdump visitor was going to keep hitting a forward and back button to find that one gem of a clip art comic they saw a couple of months ago? When the images on the screen are anywhere between 15K and 38K... well, it's just not user friendly!

So after an all-weekend programming session, Pigdump presents a whole new way to navigate through the Weekend Funnies. So go on, take a look, get caught up if you've missed a week or two. And remember, this new design was done just for you!

Thanks and good luck.

Tomorrow: A chart. Or maybe a graph.

© This is a real website.
everything I know ...continued 167. The role of Columbo was played by Peter Falk.

168. When you add baking soda to a jar of vinegar, it fizzes and goes all cooky and bubbly.
to be continued...

weekend funnies
"Side-splitting weekly fare."
Z. Harris

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