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"Millennium Fever -
Are you prepared?
I thought not."

August 17, 2009

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10 days to go, folks!

Or maybe it's 9, or 11. Anyway, on August 26th, Pigdump will celebrate its 10th year as an online going concern! YEEHA!

But you ask yourself, is Pigdump really a going concern anymore?

suck dot com

Well, I think so, but I could be wrong. You see, Pigdump was launched long before the chatter, noise, clutter, nonsense, ego-centric blogger and tweeter era, where Top Quality Content™ websites were few and far between.

But man, they were great! Chalk-full of inspiring ironic and cynical comment, the best being on suck.com - especially Wednesdays with their weekly Filler entries...oh man those illustrations by Terry Colon made Wednesdays the best day of the week on the early TQC™ landscape. ANd speaking of Wednesdays, that's when a new Onion was released. Oh how I waited all week fo a new Onion to see what area man or area teen was doing!

brunching shuttlecocks

Those were also the days of fun and games and lists and useless ratings and tools presented by that nutty Scandinavian, Lore Sjöberg and his buddies at The Brunching Shuttlecocks website. Man oh man, the movie reviews at brunching.com were worth the price of a 9600 baud modem! Really!

These sites inspired. The original TQC™ portal -- that suite of sites that included Pigdump, Glue.com (there, I said it, dammit!), and Spoothe -- was vibrant and, some might say, only 7 or 8 rungs below the standard set by Suck and Brunching. I mean once or twice, the brians...er...the brains behind the TQC™ portal actually made a reader chuckle! Really! Once or twice!

Today, only the Onion and Pigdump publish fresh content. SIgh. Does that make Pigdump a going concern? Hell yes! Don't you forget it! Oh sure, we've been a little lacking in our "Top Quality Content™ Day In Day Out" promise, but we're here, dammit! With a new promise to bring you Top Quality Content™ Day In Day Out Here and There as we lead up to The Big Day™...honest!

Thanks and good luck.

Please don't sue us.

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