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"And BMO just makes me laugh.
Sounds like Beemer,
kinda pop-hip like J-Lo. "

August 19, 2007

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Pigdump makes no excuses

RBC trumps CIBC

It might just be my fault. No, really. All this nonsense with the stock markets. It could be down to me. Here's the thing.

In my busy days over the past few quarters (yes, I know, no excuses), I have been doing work for some high-powered financial institutions on both sides of the border. In fact, over the past 10 years of Pigdump productions, I have done work for all five major Canadian banks.

So is that why it's my fault?

No, not yet.

Being able to work with these Bay Street big shots has let me see the inner workings, the products, the profits...blah blah blah. And I realized, they all offer the same stuff. You can get the same bank account with any bank. You can get the same portfolio with any bank. Five restaurants with the same menu.

But what is the service like? Hmmm? In the work I've been doing for the Big Five™, I've been helping them all make the claim that they have the best customer service, best customer care. But they don't. Mostly, they don't care very much at all as long as you keep putting your money in their vaults and they skim off their share of it to feed the bloated shareholders. And no, I'm not gonna bite the hand that feeds me because goodness knows the Pigdump freelance cash comes from the bank's service fees too, don't you know!

But I started paying more attention to how my bank was paying attention to me and realized that maybe it was time to change. It wasn't anything big, just a lot of little things. So I decided to move a good chunk of the Pigdump coffers out of one institution and into another because the customer service WAS a difference.

And the next week while my portfolio was liquidated and sitting in real cash money in the new institution, not yet re-invested, the markets went nutty, dropping like a Coyote- and Roadrunner-like stone...and I didn't lose a penny! Not a Canadian cent!

So while I make no excuses, I do apologize. If it was my fault. Which it may have been. But probably wasn't. But just in case. I'm sorry.

Please don't sue me.

Thanks and good luck.

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