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"First there was one
little turtle just hanging
out on the neighbour's dock."

September 15, 2006

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One duck, two ducks...

Duck season begins tomorrow. And now, the orange-clad hunters can even hunt on Sunday! Dear God! Anyway, I've had a bunch of Mallard and Black Ducks all summer long, so I want to share them with you before someone makes dinner out of them!

Early in the summer I had a mother and eight (count 'em) eight babies visiting. Here are two of the grown babies:

mallard ducks or black ducks

Later in the summer, another mother duck paddled by with five little sweet chicks in line. I was worried they were a late group and they wouldn't be big enough and strong enough to fly away for the winter, so I started putting out some cracked corn (crack for ducks, really!) Here are four of them recently...almost grown...with mother duck looking on:

mother duck and babies

The mother ducks are really something, always keeping a watch out for the babies. Here's that beautiful mother duck on patrol:

mother mallard duck or black ducks

So maybe if the ducks just hang around my beach for the next little while, they won't be someone's Thanksgiving dinner!

Thanks and good luck.

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