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"Like when you go to a wedding and
you know the spirits at the bar are being
paid for by a guy in a powder blue suit."

August 21, 2006

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August in MacTier...

Well let's see...

First there was long weekend when a guy at the bottom of the hill below the Foodland (or the FOO LA as I call it) decided to shoot out all his windows in the middle of the night. Yep, just took some kind of gun or hunting rifle probably and shot 'em all out. The house (rented apparently) is now decorated with plywood in every possible window and door. Lovely, really.

And then the weekend of the Rib Fest in Bracebridge...as we were driving back through Port Carling, 4 or 5 OPP cars went screaming past. Evidently, some fellow from MacTier had held up a store. Armed robbery. Sheesh! There goes my neighbourhood!

But then last weekend, a beautiful event. My neighbour's daughter got married on the dock. The rain held off. Heck, even the trains didn't go by during the ceremony!

August in MacTier...you gotta love it!

wedding on the dock

Congratulations, kids!

Thanks and good luck!

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