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Coolers part 3: Bloody Caesars


Now this test wasn't painful at all. I'm a bit of a Caesar gal, you see. Or as my old drinking pals used to say, "We'll have a Seizure, please."

If ever I'm at an event where there's an open bar, I'll order a Caesar. I love the tangy tomato flavour, that savoury spicy experience followed by the crispy chomp of the celery stick. When you have a Caesar, you're fulfilling your vegetable food group quota! And getting a buzz. Is there anything better?

I never have the ingredients for a Caesar on hand - I'd never really make one myself - which is why it's my beverage of choice at the free bar. And which is also why I've enjoyed the ready-to-go Caesar coolers sold at your local liquor store. And why stop at one? Today's review gives you the hat trick of tomato-ey goodness!

I've enjoyed the Keg's Caesar in the past so I saved it for last. How did the others stack up? The Smirnoff tasted mighty fine off the bat, but later lingered as a bad aftertaste. It was like the tomoto had gone rotten. Rancid. Acidic. Or something like that. So the initial taste was okay, but the long-term effects are a bit toxic. I moved on to the Mott's. In your grocery store, Mott's Caesar and Garden Cocktail juices boast the fact that drinking a glass is equal to one and a half vegetable servings. I'm hoping the same can be said for the alcoholic beverage because it doesn't have much going for it. There's nothing bad with it, it's just, well kind of bland. And if you see, the Mott's was the extra spicy one too, so the disappointment was heavy.

I was surprised that the Keg's Caesar is in fact still the tastiest of the lot. It might have to do with the fact that it comes with a spicy condiment packet so you can rim your glass with peppery goodness, making the beverage that much more pleasing. If you're into that kinda thing. Now in defence of the other brands, I don't know if they too came with a savoury packet of spices as the bottles were left in the fridge without their full packaging.

Anyway, this was a pleasant experience and I feel righteous about all those vegetables I consumed!

Smirnoff Caesar - 3 out of 5
Mott's Spicy Caesar - 3 out of 5
The Keg's Caesar - 4.5 out of 5.

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