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September 28, 2005

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Coolers part 2: Vex Hard Passion Fruit

hard passion and melon

I must admit, when it comes to fruit, I'm not very adventurous. I love apples and oranges, clementines and bananas. Raspberries and strawberries are as yummy as anything, and in late summer I could live on fresh peaches.

It's those fancy exotic fruits like passion fruit and mango that I don't go for. Call me white bread, call me timid, call me bland. I just don't like 'em. They're mushy and get stuck in my teeth.

And then there's melon. I hate having the taste of melon in my mouth. It makes me go "hhhhhuuueeeehhh." I don't even give a hoot about a big fat summer watermelon. Call me crazy.

So today's cooler didn't have much of a chance with me. Hard Passion Fruit and Melon Lemonade? As if I'm going to like that! Oh sure, the colour was nice and the whole look and feel filled me with summery joy. But it's still melon and mushy pulpy stuff isn't it? I took a sip...

Here's where you say, "Oh she's gonna love it! This cooler will set her on the path of melon appreciation." And here's where I say, sorry, no fairytale ending with this pithy nonsense. It was gross. Even flipping the lid, I almost fainted. Such a pungent smell I could barely get the bottle to my mouth. And the aftertaste...UGH! I was going "hhhhhuuueeeehhh" all day! Even when I went out onto the porch where I had used the vile stuff in the wasp trap I could smell its overwhelming melon-ness. I had to dump the trap.

Rating: 0 out of 5.

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