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"Concert/event seating
determined by height
(short people get tickets at the
front and so forth...)"

September 24, 2003

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The spam you didn't open

I'm getting a lot of spam these days with the subject line: Secret Divorce Planning For Men. Instantly, they get sent to the trash. But the other day, I accidently opened the message and was amazed. So I'm sharing it with you...it's so very, well almost...Top Quality...er, that is..well, you just have to see it:

poor, troubled man

As Economy Unwinds:


Dix Hills, NY
September 16, 2003

As job losses mount, men feel more pressure than ever from wives who want to maintain a lifestyle.

The $30 manicures, $70 hair cuts, $180 shoes, $300 pocketbooks not to mention the constant visits to the dermatologist. Facelifts, Liposuction, tummy tucks and endless credit-card-fueled shopping all crippling men's bank accounts.

No matter where men look, budgets are shrinking, spending is decreasing and prospects to earn more seem farther out of reach. Meanwhile, wives are more unrealistic than ever having gotten a taste of the good life during the boom days of the late 1990's.

Today, a rising tide of miserable men race to the Internet for ways to divorce without losing everything...read more

Now there is something just for men who are so unhappy in their marriage that they are thinking of divorce. Divorce PREP is the brand more men trust.


Sorry. I was just so amazed by this, I had to post it.

The editors of Pigdump do not endorse this...ummm...product. They do not think of divorce as a brand. We are very sorry if you've been offended.

Please don't sue us.

Thanks and good luck.

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