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September 3, 2003

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Haven't we had enough?

down with everything

You know I have a little list on the site called "Everything I Know," and when I put a graphic over there to the right that says EVERYTHING with a big red line across it, I'm not saying "Stop reading the Everything list," or anything like that. No sir. Browsing the everything list is a good way to spend your time.

No, what I'm saying here is, down with everything in general. It has been a year to forget. Annus horribilis with diseases and blackouts and cows gone mad and, well, just WAY too many blogs, and bad films and wasp attacks...

...and now we have to listen to politicians all autumn long???!!! UGH! Blah blah blah blah blah. Oh good lordy lord. Bad enough them municiple folks going on and on and on about how they can make our city can be better -- try shutting up, for starters! But now the ridiculous clowns up at Queen's Park are going to go on and on and on and they're going to finger point and do the whole frickin' blame-ladder thing. Blah blah blah! Arg! Blah blah blah...

And one of them is Mr. Greasy Pompous Rich White Frickin' Oily Slimeball with a prosthetic wife (umm, sorry, life-partner), and the other one would give Norman Bates a run for his money on a bad day (frickin' right-wing joker pooch, no matter what colour his party is.) And the other other guy...what's his name? Layton? Rae? Homer? No matter.

Oh man. Blah blah blech!

Don't read the papers. Don't believe any of them. Look at the trees everyday as the colours change. Smell the air while it's still mostly fresh. Watch cartoons. Lick a frog. Bake brownies and share them. Bake brownies and eat 'em all. Have a bubble bath. Listen to Louis Armstrong. Talk to your neighbour. Go off your diet. Feel the ground under your feet. And don't let these clowns get in your way.

Thanks and good luck.

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