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"Here is our list of
not-so-spectacular events
of the past 1000 years."

August 20, 2003

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Blackout: Justified!

I would never be called a fashion plate. Hip-huggers and leather teddies just never did anything for me. It's not that I buck the trend, walk my own path, steer clear of socially accepted norms; I'm not a rebel, an outcast, an iconoclast. I just like being comfy!

Take shoes, for instance. I've never succumbed to the hideous revival of the platform shoe, the clunky 5-pound block on the sole of a perfectly good shoe. Chunkies. Whatever. And don't even get me started on high heels or stilettos! Can you imagine anything more uncomfortable ever in your life?

Okay, so I'm not with it. I look a bit out of place at formal affairs (or I would if I ever went to one.) But last Thursday August 14, boy oh boy, let me tell you, did I get a good chuckle watching all those trendy dames walking 4 miles home from downtown Hogtown in the scorching heat in their 6-inch heels and 10-pound chunky appendages! Heh heh! I had to hold my sides as I laughed so hard! Me, in my comfy flat shoes just a-bootin' it along the Lakeshore sidewalk. Leaving a vapour trail behind me as I darted up Parkside and all the way home.

And another thing, I had a flashlight in my bag! And a Swiss Army Knife! Not that I was trapped on the subway or anything, but man oh man I get laughed at some times for having all these practical things. You just never know, eh?

Heh heh. August 14th. Comfy shoes are justified!

Thanks and good luck.

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