yes, it says
Refreshing. Wed. April 5, 2000

LemonadeAs one of the great minds of our times said "There's not a man woman or child alive who doesn't enjoy a refreshing beverage." Truer words were never spoken. So today, we celebrate the drink, the beverage, the ice cold frosty or the warm soothing toddy.

You see, that's the great thing about liquid fare... it can be nourishing, refreshing or recreational. Or sometimes all three. Like when you go to a wedding and you know the spirits at the bar are being paid for by some geezer in a powder blue suit. The Bloody Caesar is the way to go, my friend! The tomato juice and the celery stick fulfill your daily vegetable needs; the ice in a frosty glass refreshes you, making you forget about those nylons and that stupid slip you're wearing on that hot July day; and goodness knows, you pop a few of these Caesars and before you know it you're wearing the lampshade!

thirsty soldiersDon't get me wrong, an alcoholic beverage isn't the only way to go. Can you start your day without coffee? Or tea? Can you eat a double-stuffed Oreo without a cold glass of milk? And what would cocoa powder be like without the boiling water? Yuck! Gimme the liquid goods every time!

Tap water will do in a pinch, but when you want to blow a buck on a good bottle of water, start with the Evian and go from there. And kids, remember that ice cold Coke or neon Mountain Dew may stem your thirst, but carbonated beverages are full of sodium... and that means salt... which will make you thirsty all over again!

But in the meantime, enjoy your favourite cold one, or hot one, day in day out. I know I do!

Tomorrow: Say no to eggplant!

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everything I know ...continued 123. Sweetbread is neither sweet nor bread.

124. Haggis is minced sheep bits boiled with oatmeal in a stomach-like casing.
to be continued...

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