yes, it says
Yum! Monday April 3, 2000

Hot DogsI love meat. Now I know a lot of people love meat too, but I really really love meat. Not that folks who say they love it don't, I'm sure they do. I mean think of it: a juicy thick slab of sirloin sizzling on the BBQ, a beautiful cut of prime rib cooked perfectly pink through and through. Or is there anything better than the enigmatic flavour of roast of lamb seasoned with fresh rosemary sprigs?

How about this: blackened chicken with roasted almonds in a light dijon sauce; or pork tenderloin stuffed with apples and seasoned bread crumbs; or the festive roast turkey dinner, juicy with every bite with or without the gravy. Mmm mmm mmm!

There are all sorts of meats for all sorts of pallettes... many folks favour the friendly frankfurter, the wholesome hamburger, or even a home made meat loaf hot out of mum's oven! And let's not discount those famous packaged meats, bologna, sausage and that strange one with little macaronis in it.

And never, I mean never underestimate the joy of street meat. Whether you fancy a Polish sausage or an all beef wiener with all the flavour of your favourite intersection, there is always a familiar pleasure when buy your meal from a street vendor.

So what am I on about? Nothing really. It's just that I really love meat.

Tomorrow: Say no to eggplant!

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everything I know ...continued 121. NORAD stands for North American Air Defence.

122. Head Cheese is neither a head nor a cheese.
to be continued...

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